Provided that individual students can attend all sessions, separating training into multiple sessions, in other words spaced-learning, is preferable to mass learning.
However agonising the insight and mourning might be, these must always be preferable to allowing loss to contaminate the totality of one's perspective.
Anything was preferable to being a helpless witness to such pain. Anything was better than being tied here waiting for a baby that took such a long time coming.
You often had a good book with you, but seldom read it; the conversation of that noble being was preferable to everything, —that beautiful, bright, gentle, and yet ever-toiling woman.
After all, it is preferable to be hated than loved by him. When I recollect how happy we were--how happy Catherine was before he came--I'm fit to curse the day'.'
I was happy to take the money because it was preferable to lots of other kinds of work and I was often, you know, I was treated really well by and large.